03 July 2021

copper sunshine

  Ah, the amber bath of sunlight...what better feeling to bring artists forth from their cocoons to see themselves, after existing inside a thick billowing dark cloud, to once again feel the desire to manipulate objects into beauty, from the collaboration of mind and soul. That cloud, it could easily be many things - the pandemic, a challenging 2nd job, or the grey days of winter, which can in their own right be beautiful. This is a favorite image from a VERY snowy winter [which made my huskies VERY, VERY happy].

snowy nova

I myself dealt with the struggle to be an artist for a few months. I managed to do some drawing and poetry, I painted doors in my house, I pondered my next Halloween costume, while waiting for new wire designs to formulate. And then, galleries opened again, and arts festivals and shows began again.
In June, I participated in Asheville Art in the Park. For three Saturdays, we humans, as well as many dogs and a wandering black bear, celebrated art and craft in downtown Asheville. And now, I feel the fire again. More shows are on the horizon. There will be 3 more of Asheville Art in the Park in October. I'm considering another show or two in the meantime. In summary, it sure feels good to be back out there...
peace to you,
sharon bass

asheville art in the park, june 2021

the urban art-loving bear visitor

Galleries & shops where you can find jewelry by Watergirl Designs:
buffalo creek gallery, downtown shelby nc
woolworth walk, downtown asheville nc
sanctuary of stuff, asheville nc
main street gallery, blowing rock nc
hands gallery, boone nc

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