30 June 2010

spill-inspired pendant

Can an oil spill a.k.a. a major environmental disaster inspire the design of a pendant? Yes, it can.
'consciousness vs. greed' - chrysocolla & copper wire pendant

I took this wire and chrysocolla pendant to the Asheville Art in the Park, where it motivated a conversation about the issue with the lovely person who bought it and her friend. It made me realize the main reason I like my pieces to stir up conversation -- the connections that are made as a result.

live . breathe . be aware

photos by sharon

08 June 2010

asheville art in the park, 10K, gulf support

Firstly, thanks to the artists of InspiredArts for putting on a successful show at Flat Rock Playhouse in May. Now it's on to Asheville Art in the Park, downtown Asheville, Pack Square. I'll be there on Saturday June 12 and Saturday June 26, 10-5. The show occurs on the 19th as well. I've got the race bug and decided to skip that show to run a 10K. So come see me on the 12th or 26th. Lots of great art, lots of great other stuff in downtown Asheville.

I've decided to send proceeds from my sales to either Greenpeace or the Red Cross towards their Gulf oil spill clean-up and support efforts. I can't not do something. My heart has the say-so in this one, and I'm listening. Any other artists doing shows that want to match my proceeds, feel free. Artists are some of the most conscientious people I know. With our collective action, we can make a dent. 

clean oceans. happy lives

nc coast at sunset