01 April 2024


As an artist, creating from a place where the world's noises and distractions are muted is peace like no other. I don't mean being in a secluded studio deep in the woods, but away from everything the mind has the daunting task of processing, deeper within ourselves. If you search for meaning in external things, that sense of fulfillment may be brief. Meaning comes from deep within us, where our spirit and creativity can flow without distraction, where we are our most truthful, uninhibited away from the outside world. I often feel that deep sense of being when working in my studio, that "Ah" moment that comes from being completely immersed in the creative process. It reflects in an artist's work, giving it so much more dimension and value. And others, I believe, can sense that energy too. And pulling from that deeper part of us, presenting what we found there to others, is such a gift. It is such a pure, honest part of you, that you're sharing. What a blessing that is for others, and for yourself. Thank you for reading.