28 December 2017

Staying simple to become greater

An artist's mind can become easily cluttered with so much more than just the creative process, especially when that artist is in business for their self. It's easy to succomb to stress and lose your creative flow. Too easy. It's almost critical to punch a re-set button each time your momentum starts to slow. And if you've been around for 15 years, this button becomes even more necessary. I always say an artist is an artist, no matter what. But sometimes you can lose your enthusiasm to go to the studio and stay there, happily creating all day. 

That does not make you less of an artist. It means you're human.

something i love to get lost doing, photography

It's time for me to hit that re-set button. In the past, I've found it easy to motivate myself. I get inspired by looking at other artists' work. I get ideas by looking at colors, nature, designs, patterns, etc. My creativity builds whenever I buy new wire, new gemstones and pearls. Lately, it's been easier to store ideas away in my brain for later...and later again........and then much later. In other words, I'm pushing it aside more often and dealing with other things in life instead. 

Sometimes, you need to simplify. Sort, organize, get rid of what isn't necessary, take care of yourself, take care of things that occupy too much of your mind [bills, car trouble, etc.].  

Do that, and your work can become something even better than before. The last time I re-organized my studio, a fresh batch of ideas popped into my brain, and I was sitting there bringing them to light. 

Well, I'm going to do it again. It's time to de-clutter and re-organize and get re-inspired. There's a fresh batch of wire and pipe in the studio, as we speak, to help me do it. Stay creative!

Thanks for reading, Sharon R Bass

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